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Indigo Gaming x2.2 WE & x2.8


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Ime GameMode: Indigo Gaming
Izvorna skripta: ATH
Video: https://youtu.be/IINm9sjIlnc / https://youtu.be/syvxAznroHU / https://youtu.be/HhDDJtnGyMU
Download Link: (mediafile.com / sendspace.com / mega.nz): https://mega.nz/file/om501IYa#ZVl4D-OKEjMUHPke40CmFrtvipCm4eoAzebalpKXBjU
Virus Scan Link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/08c3df07bbbee130b3f2cb15b88644b6f6c8b7adc0e39b2a4bbed047dbe2b444?nocache=1
Edit by: Ivan,Shomy,Gorskyy,Purda ...
Credits: CikaMisko, Tosic, Tunicc i ostala ekipa...

Dodatno: Prvobitni mod ovdje je x2.2 WE , jer sam na njemu radio prvobitno, bilo je problema kod padanja skripter,puno debugova.Debugove sam fixao s Tosicem, odradio winter update s jos dva skriptera, te kasnije dobio pristup novijoj verziji takodjer radi pomaganja zajednici.

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